Saturday, July 7, 2007

Calling All Art Teachers

In August 2008, I will host an exhibition of work compiled by art teachers of all ages. Art teachers are encouraged to look back on the years that they have devoted to such a challenging and rewarding occupation and exhibit their reflections at ARC Gallery on Chicago's West Side. Depending upon the response, I may have to limit some of the items included in the exhibit, but would definitely like to organize a few public forums where teachers can come to share ideas.

If you would like to submit a journal entry, a work of art, a video, a found object, pieces of your students' work(s), or anything else you can come up with that enables you to reflect upon your teaching responsibilities, please post your ideas and download an image (if applicable.) You can contact me directly at I'm a member of ARC Gallery. Check out our website:


Sarah Kaiser said...

One of my reflective projects will be a video of dendrites growing. Dendrites are brain cells that actually shimmer and grow (like trees) while we are in stimulating environments. Actually, our dendrites grow all of the time, but they grow faster during childhood. The video will have a soundtrack of thunderclaps. This video is meant to shed light on the importance of providing stimulating environments in the classroom.


Sarah, Maybe I could display some of my demos I have used to get my students stimulated in class. Darrell

Sarah Kaiser said...

Darrell, that sounds perfect. Also, the title, "Envy...A Day in the Life of an Art Teacher" or something of the sort also sounds much more interesting than the first stab I took at the title!